Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Rock your Prints in Winter: Rahyma

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Blazers are a really great clothing item to have to give an outfit a bit of pop or elegance. Quite important for blazers: they need to fit perfectly to accentuate your waste and be just the right length.

The all season blazer by designer Rahyma Awanife is made out of African print, is unique and stylish. It comes with front pockets and a peplum back. The long sleeves make it perfect for this season - just wear a tight black top or bustier underneath and pair it with tight black jeans and pumps. The bright colors - it also comes in an orange/blue print - will brighten up any grey winter day or dark, cold evening.

Shop the blazer by Rahyma here. Click here to find other posts that show you how to "Rock Your Prints in Winter".

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