Thursday, December 18, 2014

APiF Gift Guide: DOKU

It is getting hectic, the Holidays are right around the corner. If you still haven't started buying any small gifts or presents - don't panic! Just start now, order everything online and you will be fine!

The green mud cloth clutch by Ill La La is quite a looker! Ill La La is an indie, eclectic brand - all pieces are handmade. You can buy this brand and many others on the newly launched platform DOKU. DOKU has been created to provide U.S fashionistas a global passport to style. The online platform is retailing emerging, independent designers from across the world. Showcased designers offer a variety of styles, flirty silhouettes, and colorful prints. This online store will give you lots of gift ideas. And remember: gifting yourself is totally okay. Click here and find out what designs they are selling right now.

Find other goodies - just click on our APiF Gift Guide.

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