Thursday, January 2, 2014

Stumbled upon and had to share asap: Lia Samantha

All pics from the Lia Samantha Facebook Page
What a pity that I am not fluent in Spanish, otherwise I could have found out even more about Lia Samantha, the front singer from Colombian band Voodoo SoulJah's. Besides singing and moderating a show on TV, she is also designing her own outfits and accessories. I liked her vibrant designs and images so much, that I just had to share them with you guys. The all black outfit with a head-wrap and a print jacket are an easy but great idea to make an impression. I will have to copy that look! 

If you know more about the singer and the band or if you just want to comment on the outfits - please share it with us below.

Find out more here:

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