Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy 2014 from APiF!

I probably say this every year: I cannot believe another year is already over! But I must say looking back: I did like 2013! I moved into my own apartment, had a great job assignment in Shanghai (China), saw my family and friends in Germany, met a new very special person, became a vegetarian, started to work out more and increased the visibility of my blog. So I like looking back, but I am also excited to look forward and continue the journey.

I am wishing all my readers and followers out there love, peace and happiness.
Happy 2014 to you - may it be a great one!

The picture and quote below exude a "can do" attitude - that's why I selected it for this New Year's post. How was your year and what are you aiming for in the new one?
Pic from here

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