Saturday, December 6, 2014

APIF Gift Guide: Necklaces by Mariscapes

Today's feature in the APIF Gift Guide is the accessory label Mariscapes. Self-taught artist Marishka has an Ukrainian, American and Polish background. The accessories are inspired by Maasai necklaces as well as Slavic folk and her own heritage. To create these vibrant and unique fiber designs, Marishka plays with colors, textures and techniques: "I wrap, knit, crochet and create whatever tickles my imagination. I especially enjoy matching necklaces to my client's favorite bags or dresses!"

Most of Mariscape's designs are custom orders, so that no two necklaces are 100% alike, even if they are made out of the same materials. A great gift idea I say, I might even gift one necklace to myself! Check-out other brands in the APIF Gift Guide here.

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