Wednesday, December 10, 2014

APIF Gift Guide: The AfricanCityBag

Everyone should have one! Seriously - why just run around sporting European or American cities on your bag? Get an AfricanCityBag, make a statement and let people stare at it in the subway or on the bus and wonder where the heck Gaborone is or Harare. Apart from being a statement and just plain necessary, the tote bags are huge and you can fit anything from your laptop, your trainers, books to groceries in it. And actually also all of these items together.

I only have a couple of black and white AfricanCityBags left. So hurry and order one, they are only 22 USD each. Due to business travel the last date to ship out these bags will be next week Tuesday morning, the 16th of December.

Get your family members, friends, significant others or yourself one. There is one thing for sure: You won't regret it! Shop here! Click here to see other items in our APIF Gift Guide.

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