Saturday, January 18, 2014

Print Styles: Under 70 USD

Print Styles: Under 100 USD

FAIR true african skirt
$68 -

FAIR true patterned skirt
$68 -

Eva Sonaike tote shopper
$49 -

The other day I got an email from a follower asking for "styles under 70 USD". True, some of the cool fashion from African Designers can be quite pricey and I also can't spend 200+ bucks on a coat or dress whenever I feel like it. Reason for the high prices: very often the items are handmade - and that just costs! Anyhow, I went on the hunt for some items that are more affordable. I adore the tote bag by Eva Sonaike!  

What do you think - would you rock any of these items or combinations? Please comment below.


  1. I would certainly rock these prints in those combinations. And even with an oxford.


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