Wednesday, January 29, 2014

DAAR Living: "Promoting our heritage through interior design"

APiF: Please introduce your business.
DAAR Living: DAAR Living is an interior styling retail and services company. We provide small furnishings and decorating services and our brand is for the African of the world and the world in love with Africa.

APiF: Where do you source your products from?
DAAR Living: We source from all over the continent and we also design. Currently, our stock is from Ghana, Kenya, South Africa, Niger, Mali and Ethiopia.

APiF: What is your professional background?
DAAR Living: I spent 11 years working in sexual and reproductive health in the international development arena. Interior styling and functional art were always a passion and I collected art on my travels.

APiF: How can customers outside of Ghana purchase items?
DAAR Living: We are a very young business (April 2013 and launched in December 2013) so we have been concentrating on conquering the Ghanaian market first. 

However, catering to our customers outside of Ghana is one of our 2014 objectives given our international social media following and requests for products. In the meantime, customers can enquire about stock and place orders via messages to our facebook page , via email or phone (information on the facebook page) and arrangements can be made for transporting.

APiF: Interior Design for less - do you have items for small budgets?

DAAR Living: Of course we do – with our retail services there is something for everyone without compromising on style, sophistication and most importantly a good ‘finish’. This is purposeful as we wish to promote our African heritage through interior design. With our styling and consulting services we specialize in transforming your space while working with what you’ve got, which helps with smaller budgets. 

APiF: Any tips for readers how to spice-up their apartments?
DAAR Living: For spicing up your space I would say, just like in fashion, its all about the accessories. One statement piece with a good finish can transform a room and tie the furniture and other art together. Caution – stay true to yourself, your space should suit you. And be aware of and respect how different colors and pieces make you feel. We all love to feel ‘at home’.

Find out more:


  1. Very very cool! I just became inspired to decorate my next place with an african theme...this is my heritage and I want to flaunt it! Do you have any special discounts or coupons and where are you located? Thx in advance! -carlina

    1. HI Carlina - Thank you for your feedback. Please check their facebook page - they are in Accra/Ghana but as they state in the interview, arrangements for shipping can always be made.


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