Friday, October 11, 2013

Ni Hao Shanghai

Today I am off to Shanghai, China, for the very first time in my life. I have never traveled to the Asian continent before, so I am super excited. I am participating in a social sabbatical program from my employer - SAP - and I will be staying in China for 4 weeks! The coolest part: I will be working there for a fashion company, Nuomi Shanghai, a social enterprise that provides employment, micro financing, equipment, training and support to people whose personal circumstances make it near impossible to otherwise work. And at the same time Nuomi creates eco-friendly, stylish fashion. 

I hope I will have easy access to the internet and my blog so that I can share some of the experiences and the fashion I will encounter. Have you been to Shanghai before? If you have and you have tips regarding awesome restaurants (I love dumplings!) and the best tailors to check-out etc., please let me know in the comment section below.  
Take care  保重 (bǎo'zhòng)!

 Source: FASHION | Ajak Deng for Numero China November issue

1 comment:

  1. Hope you had a good time in China. You work is great. I also have a social enterprise that supports two key development issues in Africa the growing informal urban economy and the growing number of youth.


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