Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Mataano: Chic and trendy with a rebel touch

Just dope, that is what I have to say about the FW 2012 collection from Ayaan and Idyl Mohallim, the twins and creators behind the label Mataano. The styling, the hair, the color combinations - I am loving it. My favorite outfit is the one with the black leather skirt - so chic and trendy with a rebel touch. 

The designers grew up in Somalia and migrated at a very young age to the US. Mataano wants to speak to a global consumer and tell an "African" story in a New York kind of way.

Which design do you like best?

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely LOOOOOOOOOVE these outfits!!!

    They're so "strong" and "powerful" =)

    I'm following you, if you want to follow me back...
    <3 A loser like me


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