Saturday, September 15, 2012

African Lookbook

Pics by Jonathan Wood
Wow, aren't these pictures amazing?! The post cards were produced by the new platform African Lookbook. I came across these great pics on the blog "Nothing But the Wax". African Lookbook describes itself as a "space for discussion revolving around oral histories and products". In their online shop they offer all different kind of items by African designers, like for example the South African label Babatunde. I just ordered one of their umbrellas and now I am hoping for rain!


  1. They look fab , I read about them a few days ago on one Nigerian boy.

  2. Nice shots! :) Love it <3

  3. Nice background! I love african prints :D

    Check some DIY

  4. Thanks for your feedback guys. I really like this site and cannot wait for the ueber-cool prints umbrella I ordered.

  5. LOVE, love, love, these images! I'm headed over to the site now..:)


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