Tuesday, September 18, 2012

African Icons Show at NYFW: Maki-Oh and Tsemaye Bintie

I wanted to share with you two more designers, that presented their creations at the African Icons show at NYFW. Top pictures: Maki-Oh (Nigeria); bottom pics: Tsemaye Bintie (UK/Nigeria). I really liked the re-appearing image of a head with short cropped hair and a long neck on Maki-Oh's tops. Tsemaye, who used to work in the creative team of Stella McCartney, stood out with his clean lines and elegant looks. I would definitely find use for both design esthetics in my wardrobe and life. 

Do you have any favorites from the pictured designs?

Find out more:
w: http://www.maki-oh.com/
w: http://www.tsemayebinitie.com/

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