Saturday, June 9, 2012

Accessories for the Contemporary Lifestyle: Interview with Chic Therapy

APiF: Please introduce your business and your designs.
Chic Therapy: Chic Therapy is an online store that offers eclectic and fun African textile accessories. We incorporate Ankara fabric with others and create pieces that fit the contemporary lifestyle. We recently launched a summer line of prêt-à-porter Ankara skirts. This line fuses the vivaciousness and eccentricity of prints into basic, ready to wear pieces.

APiF: How does your heritage inspire/influence your designs? 
Chic Therapy: Growing up in Nigeria meant I was constantly exposed to flamboyant and beautifully dressed people. Consistently surrounded by the gorgeous colors and designs that characterized our traditional attire, I developed an obsession for vibrant and beautiful things.

APiF: If your label would be a person, what kind of person would it be?
Chic Therapy: She definitely would be a larger than life and feisty young woman!

APiF: Any tips for new designers/start-ups in the fashion industry?
Chic Therapy: Dream big.

APiF: How and where can readers purchase your accessories?
Chic Therapy: My accessories can be purchased via my online store

Find out more:


  1. Really beautiful and not that expensive !

  2. I love the idea of your blog and the fact you focus on one particular trend in fashion - using african patterns! I think this is a unique feature of your blog that makes it stand out out of thousands of blogs!!
    Keep on blogging! You'll do great

  3. Thanks Anna for your positive feedback :-)


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